
March 21, 2013

Everyday Beauty - Emily

I promised that I'd get Emily in front of my lens after I shot her dreamy apartment.

I met Emily in university when we were both in the same media studies program. She was the girl with the manic blonde pixie cut ala Edie Sedgwick, who swam in fur and vintage jewelry in a sea of Ugg boots and Tiffany Charm bracelets.

We didn't become friends until post-university when we realized we shared the EXACT same birthday, which we both believe qualifies our soul-sister friendship. Despite her beauty, she's the kindest and most charming person I know. Charm, not meant in an icky way, but in the way that makes a person magnetic to all people by being genuinely interested in them. You won't find her at a party mean-girling in a corner. Instead, she'll come up to you and compliment your necklace.

I asked her post-shoot, what makes something beautiful? She referenced her 17-year old self, looking at the liner notes artwork of the The Strokes album, Is This It?

She said,

"These imperfections seemed to be worn as badges of honour, embracing the transiency of youth and a startling disregard for what our culture defines as desirable. In my girlhood eyes, no carbon copy, photo-enhanced image could replicate the visceral response I had to seeing a startling new vision of what could be genuinely beautiful. It changed the way I perceived my own self-image, both externally and internally, and gave me pause for accepting my own beauty – both flawed and blossoming- in whatever forms it came."

Oh yeah, she's smart too. Enjoy! x


  1. Your photos keep getting better and better! Good job!
